Nump App Privacy Agreement

Effective date: January 1st, 2024

Xiaosniff Technology (referred to as "we") understands the importance of personal information to you, and we will protect your personal information and privacy security in accordance with laws and regulations. We have established this privacy policy and kindly remind you to carefully read and understand it before using piece rate and related services in order to make appropriate choices.

This privacy policy will help you understand:

We will collect and use your information in accordance with our privacy policy, but we will not collect personal information in a bundled manner solely based on your agreement to this privacy policy.

When you use or enable related functions or services, we will collect and use relevant information necessary to achieve the functions and services. Unless it is necessary information to achieve basic business functions or in accordance with legal and regulatory requirements, you may refuse to provide it without affecting other functions or services. We will explain each item in our privacy policy which information is necessary. This privacy policy applies to your access and use of our products and services through the app.

The following text will help you gain a detailed understanding of how we collect, use, store, transmit, share, transfer (if applicable), and protect your personal information; Help you understand the ways to query, access, delete, correct, and revoke authorization information. Among them, we have highlighted important provisions regarding your personal information rights in bold. Please pay special attention.

1. How do we collect and use information

We will collect information that you proactively provide while using the service, as well as information that you generate during the use of features or service acceptance through automated means, in the following ways:

1.1 Registration, Login, and Related Services

1.1.1 When you register and log in to the app and related services, you can create an account by logging in through WeChat or QQ. You can complete the relevant network identification information (avatar, nickname, password), and collect this information to help you complete your registration.

1.2 Safe operation

1.2.1 Security Protection Function We are committed to providing you with safe and reliable products and usage environments, and providing high-quality and reliable services is our core goal. The information collected to achieve security functions is necessary.

1.2.2 Log Information

a. In order to ensure the safe operation of the service, we will collect your operation, usage, and service logs during the use of piecework.

b. We may use your account information, service log information, and information that our partners are authorized by you or can share according to law to determine account security, perform identity verification, detect and prevent security incidents.

Device information refers to the device related information you receive and record during your access and/or use of external services, including Android ID, device unique identification code, device model, operating system version, device settings, MAC address and device identifiers such as IMEI and IDFA, device environment, WIFI BSSID, device serial number, IMSI, storage permissions, SD card storage permissions.

1.3 Your personal information that we may obtain from third parties

1.3.1 The public information you registered within the application (such as your profile picture, nickname, and other authorized information) or the information you filled out or provided.

1.4 Change in purpose of collecting and using personal information

Please be aware that with the development of our business, there may be adjustments and changes to the functionality of piece counting and the services provided. In principle, when a new feature or service is related to the one we are currently providing, the personal information collected and used will be directly or reasonably related to the original processing purpose. In scenarios where there is no direct or reasonable correlation with the original processing purpose, we will collect and use your personal information and inform you again and obtain your consent.

1.5 Personal information that is exempted from collection and use by law. Please understand that in the following situations, according to laws, regulations, and relevant national standards, we do not need to obtain your authorization and consent to collect and use your personal information:

(1) Directly related to national security and national defense security;

(2) Directly related to public safety, public health, and major public interests;

(3) Directly related to criminal investigation, prosecution, trial, and enforcement of judgments;

(4) For the purpose of protecting the significant legitimate rights and interests of personal information subjects or other individuals, such as life and property, but it is difficult to obtain my consent;

(5) The personal information collected by you is publicly disclosed to the public on your own;

(6) Collect your personal information from legally disclosed information, such as legitimate news reports, government information disclosure, and other channels;

(7) Necessary for signing or fulfilling the contract according to your requirements;

(8) Necessary for maintaining the safe and stable operation of software and related services, such as discovering and dealing with software and related service failures;

(9) Necessary for legitimate news reporting; (10) When academic research institutions conduct statistical or academic research based on the public interest and provide academic research or descriptive results to the public, they de identify the personal information contained in the results;

(10) Other situations stipulated by laws and regulations.

Please be advised that if your personal identity cannot be identified solely or in combination with other information, it does not constitute your personal information in the legal sense; When your information can be individually or in combination with other information to identify your personal identity, or when we combine data that cannot be linked to any specific personal information with other personal information, this information will be treated and protected as your personal information in accordance with this privacy policy during the combined use period.

2. Use of cookies and similar technologies

Cookies and similar technologies are commonly used in the Internet. When you use the app and related services, we may use relevant technology to send one or more cookies or anonymous identifiers to your device to collect and store information about your access and use of this product. We promise not to use cookies for any purpose other than those stated in this privacy policy. We use cookies and similar technologies mainly to achieve the following functions or services:

2.1 Ensuring the safe and efficient operation of products and services

We may set cookies or anonymous identifiers for authentication and security to confirm whether you are securely logging into the service, or whether you have encountered theft, fraud, and other illegal activities. These technologies will also help us improve service efficiency, enhance login and response speed.

2.2 Help You Get a More Easy Access Experience

Using this type of technology can help you avoid repeating the steps and processes of filling out personal information and entering search content (such as recording searches and filling out forms).

3. How do we transfer and publicly disclose personal information

3.1 Transfer

(1) We will not transfer your personal information to any other third party unless we obtain your explicit consent.

(2) With the continuous development of our business, we may engage in mergers, acquisitions, asset transfers, and your personal information may be transferred as a result. When the aforementioned changes occur, we will require the recipient to protect your personal information in accordance with laws and regulations and security standards not lower than those stated in this privacy policy. Otherwise, we will require the recipient to obtain your authorization and consent again.

3.2 Disclosure

(1) We will not publicly disclose your information unless we comply with national laws and regulations or obtain your consent. We will adopt security measures that comply with industry standards when publicly disclosing your personal information.

(2) We will disclose the information of the relevant accounts when we announce the punishment for illegal accounts and fraudulent behavior.

3.3 Personal information that is exempt from consent to share, transfer, or publicly disclose in accordance with the law

Please understand that in the following situations, according to laws, regulations, and national standards, we do not need to obtain your authorized consent to share, transfer, or publicly disclose your personal information:

(1) Directly related to national security and national defense security;

(2) Directly related to public safety, public health, and major public interests;

(3) Directly related to criminal investigation, prosecution, trial, and enforcement of judgments;

(4) For the purpose of safeguarding your or other individuals' significant legitimate rights and interests such as life and property, but it is difficult to obtain my consent;

(5) Personal information that you disclose to the public on your own;

(6) Collecting personal information from legally disclosed information, such as legitimate news reports, government information disclosure, and other channels.

4. How do we store personal information

4.1 Storage location

We will store your personal information collected and generated during domestic operations within the territory of the People's Republic of China in accordance with laws and regulations. At present, we will not transmit the above information overseas. If we transmit it overseas, we will comply with relevant national regulations or seek your consent.

5. How do we protect the security of personal information

(1) We attach great importance to the security of your personal information and will strive to take reasonable security measures (including technical and management aspects) to protect your personal information, prevent the personal information you provide from being improperly used or accessed, publicly disclosed, used, modified, damaged, lost or leaked without authorization.

(2) We will use encryption technology, anonymization processing, and other reasonable and feasible means not inferior to industry peers to protect your personal information, and use security protection mechanisms to prevent malicious attacks on your personal information.

(3) We will establish a dedicated security department, security management system, and data security process to ensure the security of your personal information. We adopt strict data usage and access policies to ensure that only authorized personnel can access your personal information, and conduct timely security audits of data and technology.

(4) Although the above reasonable and effective measures have been taken and the standards required by relevant laws and regulations have been complied with, please understand that due to technological limitations and various malicious means that may exist, in the internet industry, even if every effort is made to strengthen security measures, it is impossible to always ensure 100% security of information. We will do our best to ensure the security of the personal information you provide us.

(5) You are aware and understand that the system and communication network you use to access our services may encounter problems due to factors beyond our control. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you take proactive measures to protect the security of personal information, including but not limited to using complex passwords, regularly changing passwords, and not disclosing your account passwords and related personal information to others.

(6) We will develop emergency response plans and immediately activate them in the event of user information security incidents, striving to prevent the impact and consequences of these security incidents from expanding. Once a user information security incident (leakage, loss) occurs, we will promptly inform you in accordance with legal requirements: the basic situation and possible impact of the security incident, the measures we have taken or will take to dispose of it, suggestions for you to independently prevent and reduce risks, and remedial measures for you. We will promptly inform you of the relevant situation of the event through push notifications, emails, letters, text messages, and related forms. If it is difficult to inform you one by one, we will take reasonable and effective measures to publish an announcement. At the same time, we will also report the handling of user information security incidents in accordance with the requirements of relevant regulatory authorities.

(7) Once you leave the app and related services, browse or use other websites, services, and content resources, we will not have the ability and direct obligation to protect any personal information submitted by you on software or websites outside of the app and related services, regardless of whether you log in, browse, or use the aforementioned software or websites based on app links or guidance.

6. Manage your personal information

We attach great importance to your management of personal information and make every effort to protect your rights to query, access, modify, delete, revoke consent authorization, cancel your account, file complaints and reports regarding your personal information, so that you have the ability to protect your privacy and information security.

6.1 Change or revocation of authorization scope

Specific business functions and services will require your information to be completed. When you withdraw your consent or authorization, we cannot continue to provide you with the corresponding functions and services, nor will we process your corresponding personal information. But your decision to withdraw your consent or authorization will not affect our previous personal information processing based on your authorization.

6.2 Accessing, deleting, and correcting your personal information

6.2.1 Accessing and correcting personal account information

You can search, access, and correct your profile picture, nickname, profile, phone number, email address, and other information. You can search and access them in the "Personal Center" of the app.

Please be advised that for security and identity recognition reasons (such as number appeal services), you may not be able to independently modify certain initial registration information submitted during registration. If you do need to modify this type of registration information, please contact us according to the contact information stated in this privacy policy.

6.2.2 Account Cancellation

You can contact QQ customer service to cancel your account. If you voluntarily cancel your account, we will delete your personal information within 7 working days in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.

6.3 Complaints and Reports

If you believe that your personal information rights may be infringed upon, or if you discover clues of infringement of your personal information rights (such as believing that our collection of your personal information violates legal regulations or mutual agreements), you can contact us in the feedback section of the personal center. We will promptly provide feedback on your complaints and reports after verification.

6.4 Access Privacy Policy

(1) You can view the entire content of this Privacy Policy in your personal center.

(2) Please be aware that the "apps" and related services described in this Privacy Policy may vary depending on factors such as the device model, system version, software application version, etc. you are using. The final products and services are subject to the app and related services you use.

6.5 Stop operations and inform you

If we cease operations, we will promptly cease the collection of your personal information, notify you of the cessation of operations in the form of individual deliveries or announcements, and delete or anonymize your personal information held.

7. Revision and Notification of Privacy Policy

(1) In order to provide you with better services, the app and related services will be updated and changed from time to time. We will revise this privacy policy in a timely manner, and these revisions form part of this privacy policy and have the same effect as this privacy policy. Without your explicit consent, we will not reduce your rights under the current effective privacy policy.

(2) After the update of this privacy policy, we will issue an updated version on the app and notify you of the updated content through announcements or other appropriate means before the updated terms take effect, so that you can stay informed of the latest version of this privacy policy in a timely manner.

8. Contact us

QQ number: 1544819811

A clear list of personal information collected by the piece rate app

Business scenario Collection purpose Collection method Personal information field
QQ login Used for registering and creating accounts, improving network identity QQ authorization User profile picture, user nickname, gender
WeChat login Used for registering and creating accounts, improving network identity WeChat authorization User profile picture, user nickname, gender

App third-party sharing checklist

1. Baidu Statistics

Application Description: Statistics of User Usage

Usage permissions: App installation list, unique code, device number, Android_ ID, device serial number, running process information, IMEI, MAC, OpenUDID, FUID

Official website:

2. MobTech

Application Description: WeChat, QQ login authorization, user usage statistics

Usage permissions: user profile picture, user nickname, gender, app installation list, unique code, device number, Android_ ID, running process information, IMEI, MAC, OpenUDID, FUID, BSSID, device serial number, IMSI

Official website:

5. Youlianghui Sdk Tencent

Application Description: Advertising Placement

Equipment Information: Basic information such as device manufacturer, device model, device brand, device serial number, operating system version, screen resolution, screen orientation, screen DPI, IP address, time zone, network type, operator, accelerometer, device name, BSSID, IMSI, system startup time, system language, disk space, gyroscope, device attitude, pressure sensor, etc. Identifiers: IDFV, IDFA. Application information: Package name, version 3, and application list information (installed application list) of the host application. Usage data: such as product interaction data, advertising data (such as display, click, and conversion advertising data). Diagnostic data: such as crash data and performance data. Other information: precise location information, reading WIFI scan results

Privacy Agreement: